The Simply Guide: Combatting Spring Allergies

Springtime brings warmer weather, blooming flowers, and longer days. However, for many people, it also signals the start of allergy season. Sneezing, itchy eyes, and congestion can put a damper on enjoying the outdoors. If you're one of the millions affected by spring allergies, don't worry! This comprehensive guide will help you combat spring allergies and enjoy the season to its fullest.

Understanding Spring Allergies

Spring allergies, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, are primarily triggered by pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. When your immune system identifies these pollen particles as harmful invaders, it releases chemicals like histamine, which leads to allergy symptoms.

Prevention Tips

Monitor Pollen Counts

Check local pollen forecasts and try to stay indoors when pollen counts are high. Many weather websites and apps provide daily pollen counts to help you plan your outdoor activities.

Keep Windows Closed

To reduce pollen exposure, keep windows and doors closed, especially on windy days when pollen is more likely to be airborne.

Use Air Purifiers

Invest in a high-quality air purifier with a HEPA filter to capture pollen and other allergens indoors.

Remove Irritants from the home 

Take proactive steps to eliminate common triggers like fragrances and toxins from your living space. Opt for fragrance-free cleaning products and swap out chemical-laden air fresheners for natural alternatives to create a healthier indoor environment (check out our article on how toxins affect the body). 

Eat Low Inflammatory Foods/ Reduce Dairy Consumption:

Reduce inflammation in your body by cutting out dairy and opting for a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support your immune system and mitigate allergic responses. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt can trigger allergic reactions or exacerbate existing allergy symptoms because dairy products contain proteins that may cause inflammation and mucous production, leading to congestion and respiratory discomfort.

Harness the Power of Quercetin

Found in various fruits and vegetables, quercetin is an anti-inflammatory and bioflavonoid, or a type of antioxidant that gives plants their pigmentation, that regulates histamine production and release. In clinical trials, quercetin has been shown to reduce airway irritation with allergies. Building sufficient doses of quercetin does take time, so start implementing quercetin-rich foods into your diet—especially apples, honey, raspberries, onions, red grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables—or taking a quercetin supplement for weeks or even months ahead of allergy season for best results.

Cultivate a Strong Gut

Nurture your gut health by introducing probiotics and fermented foods into your diet. These beneficial bacteria promote a balanced microbiome, strengthen your immune system, and reduce the severity of allergic reactions.

Keep Your Home Clean

Minimize allergens like pollen by regularly dusting and vacuuming your home. Pay extra attention to high-traffic areas and frequently used surfaces to remove accumulated allergens and maintain a clean, allergen-free environment.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is key to reducing histamine levels and flushing allergens from your system. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support your body's natural detoxification processes.

Rinse Nasal Passageways

Incorporate nasal irrigation into your daily routine to help remove allergens, pollutants, and excess mucus, providing relief from congestion and allergy symptoms.

Simply’s Product/Service Recommendations 

We carry a wide variety of products and services to help combat those spring allergies. Check out our products in store or our services online!



  • Promotes normal viscosity of mucus, supports healthy nasal passages, supports immune balance

Fish Oil (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

  • Anti-inflammatory effects that could reduce inflammation and potentially allergy symptoms.


  • Form of the amino acid L-Cysteine and acts as a powerful free radical scavenger


  • Gut health plays a significant role in immune function, and probiotics can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, potentially reducing the severity of allergic reactions.

Vitamin C

  • Known for its immune-boosting properties, vitamin C can also help reduce histamine levels in the body and mitigate allergy symptoms

Injection Services

Vitamin D3

  • Supports bone health, boosts immune system & mood


  • Enhances a healthy immune response, antioxidant, cellular detox, natural antihistamine support


  • Recover from illness or physical activity, boosts immune system, multivitamin and minerals

MIC B Complex with Vitamin C

  • Energy, weight management, boosts fat metabolism & immune system

IV Therapy Services

Simply Myers Plus

  • Aids in decreasing recurrent infections with anti-viral, immune boosting properties

  • Helps to improve overall energy, mental clarity and mood

  • Decreases the likelihood of migraines/headaches

  • Improves recovery times and helps to decrease overall aches and pains

Simply Detox

  • Supports the body in deeper detoxification of toxins, chemicals, and heavy metals

  • Supports the liver in eliminating toxins and excess waste

  • Helps protect cells from free radicals

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Improve memory and focus

Simply Immune Boost

  • High dose of Vitamin C

  • Anti-viral properties that help to prevent colds/flu from “turning into something else”

  • Ideal for those prone to allergies

  • Improves congestion

  • Antioxidant support to reduce inflammation

Ozone Therapy Service

Ozone is an immune-modulating therapy that calms down an overactive immune system

  • Simply Ozone treatments

    • Major Autohemotherapy IV (Ozone IV)

    • Ozone ear and nasal insufflations

Spring allergies can be a nuisance, but with proper prevention and treatment, you can manage your symptoms and enjoy the season. Here's to a happy and allergy-free spring!


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